Alexander, Betsy Ann

Born 11/23/1837
Died 4/24/1924 in McMahan, TX
"OBITUARY - Mrs. Bettie Ann Alexander was born in the State of Alabama November 23, 1837, and died at the home of her son, Dr. Keeton Alexander, at McMahan, Texas at 8:35 o’clock Thursday evening April 24, 1924.
Mrs. Alexander had been in feeble health for more than a year, suffering more from the infirmities of extreme age than from disease.
The funeral was held from the home of Dr. Keeton Alexander Friday afternoon. Religious services were conducted by Rev. Sam B. Beall, pastor of the Lockhart Methodist Church and the body was laid to rest in the family burial plot in Jeffrey Grave Yard near McMahan. (sections of writeup deleted from this display)
Mrs. Alexander, when a girl about sixteen years of age, came to Texas with her parents and settled near McMahan. More than seventy years of her life have been spent in the McMahan and Lockhart communities.
She had been a member of the Methodist Church nearly all of her life.... During the last years of Mrs. Alexanders brother, W. W. Carpenter, she lived in his home in Lockhart...
Mrs. Alexander was first married to Ben Fry who was killed in the Civil War. Of this union there survive three children, viz: W. F. Fry, Pomona, Calif., Mrs. S. A. Mayo, of Robstown, and Mrs. R. W. Kelley, Throckmorton.
In September, 1871, she was married to James Alexander. Of this union four children survive, viz: George R. Alexander, McMahan; J. E. Alexander, Asherton; Mrs. J. P. Hellums, McMahan; Dr. Keeton Alexander, McMahan."
copied and edited from Lockhart Register newspaper, May 1, 1924, page 2
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