McMahan, Josephine

Born 3/15/1858 in Panola County, MS
Died 4/21/1921 in Dale, TX
"MRS. ED J. McMAHAN - In the early hours of Thursday morning April 21st, Mrs. Ed J. McMahan died at her home in the Dale community.
Her body was laid to rest in the Jeffrey Grave Yard at McMahan in the afternoon of the same day. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Tom McCarley an intimate friend of the family, and Rev. T. F. Hoffman, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Lockhart.
The pallbearers were nephews of the deceased: R. W. Jolley, Ace Jolley, Henry Jolley, Joe Jolley, Garland McMahan, Earle McMahan.
Many friends and relatives were present and the grave was banked with beautiful flowers.
Mrs. McMahan, whose maiden name was Josephine Theorado Jolley, was born in Panola County, Mississippi, March 15, 1858. She was married to Ed. J. McMahan July 16, 1874. She joined the Missionary Baptist Church July 16, 1878.
Mrs. McMahan is survived by her husband and the following children: R.W. McMahan, J. L. McMahan, Mrs. Jesse Cole, Mrs. W.C. Jeffrey, Mrs. J. R. Hurst, Mrs. Foster Etheridge, Haskel McMahan, all of whom live in the McMahan and Dale communities. She is also survived by brothers, E.G. Jolley, Joe J. Jolley, John P. Jolley, J. M. Jolley, Jackson, Miss., Dick Jolley, and a sister Mrs. Joe Magee.
Mrs. McMahan was one of the best women of the county - a self-sacrificing Christian, a devoted wife and mother.
She was a woman who in her younger days outside her home duties found time to visit the sick and to do her part in relieving other suffering and distress. As she became older, her advice and counsel were often sought and her sweet spirit was an inspiration to her children and her friends. She has gone to a rich reward."
copied from Lockhart Post-Register newspaper, April 28, 1921, page 8
Grave Location Maps
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The custom Jeffrey Cemetery Theme template was designed and developed by Gregg Sterner using the Artister Automated Web Designer.
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