Moore (Halsell), Elizabeth

Born 3/20/1851 in Cherokee County, TX
Died 10/20/1921 in Dale, TX
"Mrs. Levi Moore died at her home at Dale Thursday morning October 20, at fifteen minutes after eight o’clock.
The funeral was held from the home on the morning of the following day at nine o’clock with burial in McMahan Cemetery at ten o’clock,
Services were conducted by Rev. [sic] G. W. White of Smiley and Rev. [sic] John W. Baker, Primitive Baptist ministers, and Rev. A. O. Hinkle, missionary Baptist, pastor of Lockhart Baptist church, were held at the grave.
Mrs. Moores seven sons acted as active pall bearers.
A large number of friends and relatives were present and the floral offerings were numerous and beautiful.
Nancy Elizabeth Halsell was born in Cherokee County, Texas, March 20, 1851, She came to Caldwell County with her parents when about five years of age and settled near McMahan.
She was married to Levi Moore March 31, 1870. Her husband died in 1915. Mrs. Moore had lived nearly all of her life in the McMahan and Dale communities. She was the mother of thirteen children, eight of whom survive. Five died in infancy.
Mrs. Moore was one of those faithful Christian women to whom the present is indebted for the social and moral conditions that surround them. Her living example is one that should be inmitated [sic]. Mrs. Moore is survived by a daughter, Mrs. M. F. White of Dale; sons, G. A., Buda; Jeff, Dale; C. C., Dale; J. B., Maxwell; O.T., W. D., S. H., Dale."
copied from Lockhart Post-Register newspaper, Oct. 27, 1921, page 2
Grave Location Maps
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