rootspersona Tree

The default WordPress themes display all first level pages by default. When importing a GEDCOM file, hundreds of pages can be created, all first level pages. The intent of assigning a Parent Page is to push persona pages down to a second level, allowing an admin to manage the display of those pages.

I can not tell you how many new users have skipped the step of assigning the parent page, then emailed me to say that rootpersona has destroyed their site. (Picture a front page with 100 or more entries in the menu bar).

rootspersona will now create and assign a Parent Page by default. The parent page is NOT meant for display, as the menu is very large on most sites..

About Our Software

The Jeffrey Cemetery site has been developed on the WordPress platform.

The Cemetery Management WordPress plug-in is Cemeteriat designed and written by Ed Thompson.

The custom Jeffrey Cemetery Theme template was designed and developed by Gregg Sterner using the Artister Automated Web Designer.

Photo editing was completed with Adobe Photoshop CS5

Audio editing was completed using Audacity 2.0

Video presentations were processed using Camtasia Studio 7.1

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