Download Headstone Images
Below you can download the headstone images for each of the following families by clicking on the family name. The number after the family name indicates the number of images in that family group. Some images are duplicates taken under different light conditions and some are close-ups of hard to read wording on the headstone. The images have been color enhanced to improve their readability and cropped to show only the specific headstone. In some un-avoidable cases other headstones appear in the background.
All headstone images from the Oct 15-16, 2011 photo session are included in these download files. More images will be added as they become available.
These specific images are copyrighted by the Jeffrey Cemetery and intended for family personal use and genealogy research. These images may not be used for commercial use. If you desire images for commercial use you will have to visit the cemetery and take them yourself. Any request for un-copyrighted images for commercial use will not be responded to.
Any family wishing to have their family headstone images removed from this website can contact the and the images will be removed immediately. Proof of family relationship will be required to authenticate the request.
Un-copyrighted images will be provided to family members on request. Send your request to: