New Addition
This year, 2011, has been a busy one for the Jeffrey Cemetery Association. We have opened the new addition to the Jeffrey Cemetery on the west side of County Road 160. We have poured a cement road, put in a drip irrigation system, and planted 28 Monterrey Oaks and 36 Crepe Myrtles. We have been able to keep them alive, thus far, in a terrible drought. Wh have already given out 50 lots in the new addition.
All of this has added up to additional expenses of around $25,000. Thanks to member support the cemetery association is still in good financial condition. Donations this year in memory of an ancestor or loved one provided for a plaque at the main entrance of the new cemetery with the names of the persons honored.
The Plaque reads “The trees planted in the new addition of the Jeffrey Cemetery were funded by donations in memory of our ancestors and loved ones listed below”.
If you wish to send a donation to help support the Jeffrey Cemetery please send all donations to:
Jeffrey Cemetery Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 1303
Lockhart, TX 78644