
Headstone Photo Project – Phase 2

The editing of the photos is progressing slowly.  So far we’ve processed 859 photos with 335 to go. We’ve also sorted out 63 photos that are either duplicate or unusable.

At this time we are renaming the photos to the family names so that we can load them into the database for each grave.  We’re also enhancing the color to make them more readable.  Lastly, we’re straighting and cropping the photos so the headstone is predominant in the picture just like the ones shown in the photo to the left.

We’re hoping to be halfway through the project by the 2012 Homecoming reunion.  We will be bringing our computers to the Homecoming so family members can contribute more photos and Obituaries for their deceased loved ones.

More later.

Gregg & Mary (Cole) Sterner

Posted: Oct. 29, 2011

About Our Software

The Jeffrey Cemetery site has been developed on the WordPress platform.

The Cemetery Management WordPress plug-in is Cemeteriat designed and written by Ed Thompson.

The custom Jeffrey Cemetery Theme template was designed and developed by Gregg Sterner using the Artister Automated Web Designer.

Photo editing was completed with Adobe Photoshop CS5

Audio editing was completed using Audacity 2.0

Video presentations were processed using Camtasia Studio 7.1

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