Tinney, Griffin

Griffin Tinney
Born 9/23/1834 in Gongales, TX
Died 9/15/1920 in McMahan, TX
"Griffin Tinney died at his home near McMahan at eight forty o’clock Saturday morning, September 18th.
His body was buried in Jeffrey Grave Yard Sunday afternoon at two o’clock. Religious services were conducted by Elder Richard Cole.
Mr. Tinney was one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of the McMahan community.
He was born near Gonzales on Sept. 23, 1834. His people participated in the Texas Revolution and from their accounts he had a wonderful store of first hand information of the struggles of Texans for liberty.
Mr. Tinney when a mere boy came to Caldwell County and settled on Tinney’s Creek in the McMahan community where he had resided continuously ever since. In 1854 he did ranger service for the United States government against the Indians and Mexicans along the frontier.
In 1858 he united with the Primitive Baptist Church and continued in that faith to the time of his death.
Mr. Tinney’s wife preceded him in death a number of years. He is survived by the following children: Mesdames W. L. McGinnis of St. Paul, Texas, Mrs. A. B. McGinnis, J. M Hutcheson, J. B. Tinney and J. S. Tinney, all of McMahan."
(Copied from Lockhart Post-Register newspaper, Sept. 23, 1920, page 1)
Burial Location

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The Jeffrey Cemetery site has been developed on the WordPress platform.

The Cemetery Management WordPress plug-in is Cemeteriat designed and written by Ed Thompson.

The custom Jeffrey Cemetery Theme template was designed and developed by Gregg Sterner using the Artister Automated Web Designer.

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