Galloway, Mrs C. P.

Mrs Francis Penelope Galloway
Born 1853
Died 28 June 1914 in McMahan, TX
Wife of Caleb Petty Galloway (1847-1926)
Children: Martha Elizabeth Galloway Huddleston, William S. Galloway, James Washington Galloway, Able Baker Galloway Lula G. Galloway Cole, Syble Mae Galloway White.

"Thursday, 2 July 1914, Lockhart Post newspaper - Mrs. C. P. Galloway died suddenly at her home at Mcmahan Sunday and was buried in McMahan Cemetery on the following day. The funeral was conducted by Rev. [sic - Elder] A. A. Culpepper. Mrs. Galloway had been ill for some time but her condition was not considered critical. Death came as a sudden shock. She leaves a husband and a number of children to mourn her loss."
Burial Location

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Elder Caleb Petty Galloway Veteran 
Born 6/8/1847
Died 10/26/1926
About Our Software

The Jeffrey Cemetery site has been developed on the WordPress platform.

The Cemetery Management WordPress plug-in is Cemeteriat designed and written by Ed Thompson.

The custom Jeffrey Cemetery Theme template was designed and developed by Gregg Sterner using the Artister Automated Web Designer.

Photo editing was completed with Adobe Photoshop CS5

Audio editing was completed using Audacity 2.0

Video presentations were processed using Camtasia Studio 7.1

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